There are increasing references to the importance of developing ‘critical thinking’ to prevent the likelihood of vulnerable individuals falling victim to radicalisation. With this, there appears to be a greater pressure on those regularly in contact with young people such as, teachers and youth workers to help foster this. Undoubtedly, …
Last month, Micheal and I were warmly invited to Essex Prevent Development Day, organised by Essex local authority. Micheal was asked to deliver a presentation on his personal experiences, alongside three other practitioners within the field, Damian Terrill, consultant psychologist for the Ministry of Defence; Kevin Everard, ex-military and now …
Thousands of children and teenagers, including large numbers of girls, were referred to Britain’s often-criticised counter-terrorism programme Prevent, new official figures showed on Thursday. Prevent is a key strand of Britain’s security strategy which was launched in 2003 to combat extremism after the Sept 11 attacks on the United States. …